Thursday, October 26, 2017

Selfie tips to be considered before you share on social media

Selfie is aptly defined by Oxford English Dictionary as “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media”. 

The definition implies the sharing as an important aspect of selfie.  Practically, all the “How to’s” are dealing with taking a selfie but hardly any “How To” on important  aspect of cares to be taken before sharing a selfie on social media. 

Sharing aspect is equally important as “A picture is worth thousand words” and more so, as the saying goes, “You are a slave to your spoken words”. 

One would do well to take care of the following tips before sharing a selfie on social media:

  1.  Selfie would not just be viewed by intended audience but also by unintended audience, may be known or unknown to you.

  2. Viewer will gaze the selfie and evaluate it as per his/her mental frame and would perceive you as he/she wants to perceive you rather than what you intended.  

  3. Definition of “Propriety “is highly fluid depending upon culture, religion, education, age, social relation, etc. However, there are certain basic standards of behavior universally accepted as “good” or rejected as “bad”. Who would love a selfie depicting a person beating a dog mercilessly? 
  4. Many persons have an impulse to show off their material possessions. Adopt a “decent” way of showing off your material possession. Your selfie with a car dealer with your car in back ground will earn you more Likes than your selfie flaunting you astride on the hood of the car. 

  5. There is a scope (though very little) of your image being morphed or mimicked and misused. Keep in touch with social media to check whether your selfie is abused and boomeranged. 

  6. “Ati Sarvatra Varjayet” (refrain from excess of anything) says a proverb in Sanskrit (the language of Indian scriptures and sages). Do not share too many selfies. Do not share too often. 

  7. Respect the privacy of others. Do not share any selfies which includes any person without his/her wish in your selfie.  

  8. Do not share any selfie which insults Nationals Emblems/ insignia or offends the elders, the aged, kids, pets and animals.

  9.  Barring a few sad incidents, a smile is a universal ornament to liven up your personality. For sharing, prefer a selfie with a genuine brimming smile.
  10. Sharing a selfie is a serious action. Do it after careful consideration otherwise it may earn many “Likes” from unknown people and “Dislikes” from your known people.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

How to Save Tax through National Pension System?

"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax."–Albert Einstein

If the brightest brain in the world had the problem in understanding the income tax, let alone lesser mortals like you and me. However, let us discuss how one can save income tax by saving in National Pension System (NPS) and what EXCLUSIVE AND ADDITIONAL benefits are extended by NPS for saving the income tax.

NPS is a Central Govt sponsored system providing for income security after retirement. Detailed information on NPS is available on

Tax payers are familiar with various savings schemes for reducing the liability of paying the income tax. Each scheme has its own features in terms of:

·        return (interest rate, yield),
·        lock-in-period,
·        liquidity,
·        lienability (for availing loan),
·        convenience and investor services,  
·        risk and risk appetite,
·        age of the investor
·        appreciation of the capital
·        Post-retirement income plan
·        tenure (maturity period),
·        entry-exit-maintenance load (charges), pre-mature exit and its cost,
·        stages /time of income tax exemption (EEE, EET and ETE : At the stage of Investment, Interest earning and Withdrawal at the time of exit. E=Exempted, T=Taxed)

When weighed (compared) against all these features, the NPS ranks at the top amongst all the tax savings schemes. Moreover, investment in NPS is not just saves your income tax but it also provides for regular pension after your retirement. Not only the salaried employees but also the self-employed, professionals, businessmen, etc are also eligible to join the NPS.

In case of employees, there are two relevant Sections under which NPS deductions fall:

1. Deduction under Section 80CCD(1B):


First and foremost used route for Tax Savings scheme is under Section 80C which covers popular instruments e.g. NSC, EPF, PPF, Life Insurance, Contribution in NPS a/c (upto 10% of Basic + DA), Repayment of Housing Loan Principal, etc. The maximum limit under this section is Rs. 1.50 lakhs. 

However, under section 80CCD(1B), contribution in NPS upto Rs. 50000/- (or upto 10% of Basic+DA, whichever is less) by the employee has EXCLUSIVE additional  deduction benefit thereby one can get deduction upto Rs. 2.00 lakhs. No other tax saving scheme affords this additional benefit upto Rs. 50,000/-.

2. Deduction under Section 80CCD(2):

Employer’s contribution in NPS a/c of the employee up to 10% of the basic + DA is, in ultimate analysis, not considered as taxable income. Unlike Section 80CCD(1B), limit of Rs. 50,000/- is not applicable under 80CCD(2).

Where to open the A/c:

The PFRDA has appointed POPs (Point of Presence) who are the interface point for the subscribers want to open NPS account. Gujarat Infotech Ltd is one of approved POPs. Contact details of Gujarat Infotech Ltd:    



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Phone: 079-27485109, 27452276 
